Olivia loves her "nanny" Nicole - Julia's cousin.

Oh, the 3 of us:)

Staring intently at the monkey, her favorite. Her squeals are so endearing!

In her Jumperoo for the first time, now that she is 3 months old she loves it!

Hanging out in the boppy - pretty in pink:)

Allie, Alicia and Olivia. Allie doesn't remember what it's like to be a baby any more. She is trying to jump Olivia out of the baby chair! Mom is trying to stop it - aren't they so cute??

As mentioned before - Allie playing with baby Olivia

Grandpa Wagle holding Olivia over Christmas - isn't that a cute hat. Uncle John gave that to her:)

Aunt Andrea with Olivia in front of the fire.

Olivia is enthraled with the fire!

Uncle John and his neice.

Look at Harrison! He's not too overwhelmed by Olivia sleeping, instead wants to play with mom's blackberry with the cool pink case:) Thanks for a great lunch, Melissa!
I can't believe it! Olivia has grown so much in just a few weeks since we saw her. I miss her already. It's going to be so hard to be so far away, but keep the pictures coming! Have a great week. Miss you guys!