Dad and Olivia - how cute.

The Wagle sisters - wow, I'm exhausted and look like a ghost compared to Andrea:)

Olivia and her Godmother.

Olivia and Andrea - It's a Sunday afternoon and Olivia is wearing an outfit her Aunt gave her that says "cute recruit" with a football helmet. (Dad is watching football, so it's appropriate.) Andrea thought Olivia had too much pink, so she bought her a "sporty" outfit. Earlier at church I had to take Olivia out because she was crying and a mom asked me "how old is HE?!" Frustrating! Even though SHE was wrapped in a pink blanket. Next time we will keep the bow in her hair:) Thanks, Andrea!

The Scott family

Finally, just a photo of the 3 of us.

Nana and Olivia

Granddad and Olivia

Olivia trying to figure out her Daddy.

One week old - she has changed so much already!

Nana and Granddad Scott finally arrive to meet their first grandchild. They were elated, to say the least.

And another photo

Olivias 3rd bath of the week on her one week birthday.

Godmother and Aunt Andrea meeting Olivia.
Allie still gets the "How old is HE?" and "What's HIS name?" and "Oh HE is so cute!" comments. It is really frustrating especially when she is wearing pink! Oh well.