Saturday, November 14, 2009

our first blog

Welcome to the Scott family blog! At the request of friends and family, we decided to start a blog to post pictures of our daughter to help those who love her to stay up-to-date. A word of warning, as Riley's and my life is a little complicated, we can't always guarantee the most current information, but we'll try our best. So...

It all started Wednesday, February 18, 2009 when Riley and I found out we were pregnant. A new journey in our lives and marriage began. On October 22, that journey came to fruition with the birth of our daughter, Olivia Clare. There was no way we could be prepared for what we were about to experience. How incredible has this journey been so far and we're just three weeks into it. We look forward with anticpation for the future as we grow with our daughter. Riley and I never thought we could love someone more. So, this is the story of Olivia Clare... enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. So... I already subscribed to get your updates. I'm excited to see lots of pictures of Finley's girlfriend!

    Sol wrote a blog about the happy couple at our blog:
